
Truthfully, I'm fed up with wedding stuff these last few days... I still don't have a dress, the invitations need to get printed & sent ASAP (oh, don't even get me started on that netherworld they call "printing"!), among about a million other things that need to be done... all in the matter of a month or so. As Cathy would say, "Ack!!!" I'm entering far too close to that scary place that I was trying so hard to avoid...

So, what on earth could bring me back to the other side? This hand-wrapped package from Betsy Dunlap showed up on my doorstep last week. You've seen Betsy's beautiful calligraphy all over the web, from Martha to Design*Sponge.
We hired Betsy to address our envelopes, and throughout the whole process, she has been so kind & accomodating. She even included a handwritten note. It is definitely the little things that show you care. Made my day. Thanks, Betsy!