i recently saved this 1920's paper moon portrait (as seen on
design*sponge), and i just ran across this
nytimes t mag article about photographer
alice o'malley which features her version of a paper moon. maybe paper moons are in the inspiration ether... sweet.
i love itttt
i wanted to follow up and tell you that i took this and ran with it..... i should have spent more time making the moon but to be honest i really thought it'd be a lot easier to make DAY OF our punch party. my original goal was GLITTER but i didn't want to glitterify my fiance's mother's basement. if i had, the glitter might still be there by our golden wedding anniversary... http://www.flickr.com/photos/igotmyxomatosis/sets/72157625584451053/
so great, tyler! thanks for sharing the link. love love love it! :)
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